I don't even mind the scars

I don't even mind the scars

We had been looking forward to my niece’s wedding and to seeing my brother, sister-in-law and their family in Idaho for months! I wouldn’t even let myself get too excited or talk much about the trip just in case it didn’t happen for some reason (the ol’ Irish optimism). Well, a week before the trip, I had what I thought were mosquito bites on one arm that then became full blown poison ivy as the day approached for departure for our trip. ... Well, it [became] so agonizing for me and so “poorly” timed, in my mind, that I’ve been meditating on what could possibly be God’s message to me in all of this. ...

Lent ... again

Lent ... again

We must allow God to take out all that is damaged ...  so that He can re-create us into a better version of ourselves. Like the old saying goes, God loves us as we are but too much to leave us there.